Tuesday, September 28, 2010

busy bee

Here is my latest project! for my birthday, i bought myself a staple/nail gun. exciting, huh?

Also, for my birthday, Annie and I went out to breakfast. Luke would have been there, but he was having a sleep over at Nana's house!

her favorite part of the meal was the jam...love that look she gave me!

A few days later we had a baby shower for Alma! (due in 3 days?) never seen such a tiny lady with such a huge belly! she is so adorable!


Callie said...

That looks great Mara!! Good work. Alma is so cute, I'm so excited for her!!

Celeste said...

Love the chair! You're very talented.

Melissa said...

the chair is super cute! and i agree alma could not bee cuter! isnt it crazy that she is still preggo!? any day now!