So it was the day before thanksgiving...I called my mom and asked my mom if it was a good day to have a baby, and she laughed and said sure! I went out and got a HUGE diet coke and went home to clean house, and finish up a few last minute baby things like organizing her room, packing the hospital bag and such. At about 10 i started having contractions, that only lasted until about 12, then stopped. An hour later they came back, but STRONGER. i was still working through them, however. i had a little piece of paper that i was writing down the times of my contractions. i didn't realize until about an hour into my recording that i actually made time to look at the paper i was recording on that for the last 2 hours my contractions were growing closer and closer together, 2 minutes apart now. so i called my midwife and asked what to do, for this was of going into labor was new to me, i usually POP first. she said to come into the office and she would check me. i got to the doctor at about 4:30 in the evening, and I was dilated to a 4+ so she told me to head to the hospital and she would meet me there. We went back home and grabbed our essential oils, the overnight bag, and settled the kids in with Uncle Chad, then were back at the hospital by about 5 or 5:15. She offered to break my water, and i accepted. Chet left to grab the camera out of the car, and i about killed him when he came back because i had progressed so quickly. my contractions became so strong, so fast. I was planning on delivering natural but those contractions were far worse than i had ever felt, so i asked for an epidural. I knew i could not last more than a couple of hours with that kind of pain. I got the shot, then they tried to lay me back down. I asked as politely if they could to let me stay sitting up because i was having a contraction, a bad one. Little did i know...the one that Mabel would be born with. I resisted as they laid me down, screaming. my mom walked in just then. "She is coming out!" i screamed, "RIGHT NOW!". the midwife calmly said that she would check to see where she is and exclaimed, "oh yes! here she comes!" the anesthesiologist was still in the room when my baby was born! so much for that kicked in abuot 10 minutes after she was born. She was born at 6pm on the dot. this having babies thing is for me, for sure. if anyone needs a surrogate, count me in!
Those pictures are beautiful Mara! Your kids are so cute. It sounds like you are great at having babies. I'm jealous. Mine have not been easy deliveries.
She is beeeeeeautiful! Seriously, what a doll. I love your birth story, I told Dan (in amazement) how fast she came and he acted like it was no big deal. Guys have no idea! You are one lucky lady!
love these!
I love that baby! Mars you look so beautiful in these pics and I love your family picture at the top of you blog! You are so gorgeous! LYTSB! :)
Mara! She is so beautiful and so are you!! I love the pics of you two together! I had a similar delivery story w/ Halle if you remember. Next time I'll definitely be going to the hospital at the first sign of a contraction to MAKE SURE my epidural kicks in BEFORE I have it! LOL! Hope to see you next week while I'm there!!
amazing pictures. she is so gorgeous!
Hey I know you're busy, but i've gotta see pictures of Mabel! She's already like two months now. Get crackin girl....he he. Jk! When you can, I'd love to see updates. Love you guys!
These pictures are amazing Mara, you both look so beautiful. And I love her name, your family is just perfect.
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